Friday, November 16, 2007

Starbucks Commits to First National TV Campaign

Here is some interesting news that I found over a Ad Age. Apparently, Starbucks is breaking its first national TV ad campaign to get consumers to buy another cup. Starbucks announced the campaign November 15, 2007, along with a decline of 1% in the average transactions per store in the U.S. It cut its fiscal-year forecast, which sent shares down 6%.

Now call me crazy, but this comes as a complete shocker. I frequent Starbucks often and I'm always waiting in a line for my Grande Latte. Additionally, Starbucks buzz is currently increasing online before any of its new ads have began running. I'll make sure to follow up on this after the holidays. It will be interesting to see if Starbucks upward buzz trend online continues after its new campaign airs.

(Double-click to see larger view of Starbucks buzz trend)

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