Also, I wanted to see if anyone was raving about GREAT LAKES beers online (like I am). And while online buzz is minimal, it is trending up. I see this as a sign of encouragement for the micro-brewery based in Cleveland, Ohio.

Visit the GREAT LAKES BREWING Co. website. Grab a 6-pack or a draft next time your out, remember to drink responsibly!
I had the chance to try Great Lakes Brewing company back in July '09. There were 9 beers in their taster set. I have been trying tasters at 100's of microbreweries across the country since 1990, but never have I been able to say I like all the beers in any brewery's taster set--until Great Lakes Brewing that is. They are absolutely superb. Kudos to the brew master their!
The only one I'm not down with is the Grassroots Ale. I like everything else though.
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